Money-back Guarantee Policy
ELV Training is a trading name of End of Life Vehicle Training Ltd.
ELV Training are confident that you will be completely satisfied with our educational products. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on all the online products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only.
Returns & Cancellations
100% money back guarantee covers price of online product only. As all of the ELV Training products are digital, the 100% money back guarantee will not cover any additional fees incurred by the customer including shipping or handling fees. if the customer made the decision to try the product. The customer must accept that any out of pocket fees associated with returning or cancelling our online product(s) are not covered and will therefore not be compensated.
Customers must contact our support department via email on to inform us of their request for a refund. Once a request is received or valid refund request submitted, the refund process will take no more than 30 days. All refunds can only be returned via the original payment method. Any international orders that will be refunded back to the original credit card, and PayPal orders will be credited back to the PayPal account.
Customers have THIRTY (30) Days from the date of the original purchase to return the product to receive your refund. Any return received after the THIRTY (30) DAY time limit will not be processed.
Any courses that are completed by the learner within the 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee period will NOT be eligible for a full or partial refund under the terms of the money-back guarantee. Any courses that has been completed during the first 30 days after purchase, where the end of module quiz that has been taken (whether passed or failed) or the issuing of the digital certificate has been electronically made, will be deemed as proof that the learner/customer was satisfied with the product and therefore not entitled to a refund. However, customers/learners who have purchased more than one online module can make a claim for a partial refund for those courses that:
they have yet to be completed;
they have not attempted the end of module quizzes;
they have not been issued with the digital or physical certificate.
Customers/learners who have purchased one of the certifications products (elvTech or elvProTech certifications), can make a claim for a partial refund for those modules that:
they have yet to be completed within the course programme;
they have not attempted the end of module quizzes within the course programme;
they have not been issued with a digital or physical certificate in relation to any completed modules within the course programme;
Any refund or partial refund will reflect ELV Training's discounted pricing for our bundled online products as part of the elvTech or elvProTech certifications, and not that of the individually priced modules and courses (as advertised elsewhere on the ELV Training website).​