onsite: elv depollution training
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8 hr
From 2,160 British pounds

Course Layout

Self-guided eLearning modules providing the knowledge-based foundation of this qualification. Candidates are enrolled on the programme for six weeks and must complete and pass the modules before moving on to the onsite workshop.
An 8-hour Onsite Training Day Workshop and Practical Assessment at the candidate’s workplace (see terms & conditions).

Booking your training online...
Pick your preferred workshop training date from our availability.
The booking system calculates when your candidates' eLearning access needs to begin.
Pay for the course online and the dates are guaranteed!
Six weeks prior to the workshop date, candidates receive enrolment emails for our eLearning portal, where they can access the syllabus and begin training.
Working to a tighter timescale? Need it sooner than six weeks? Give us a call and ask about our accelerated programme, designed specifically for new recruits and inductees.